I have done my Native program for Windows.
( which, I've compiled with #pragma comment(linker, "/SUBSYSTEM:NATIVE"
I want to add my program to auto-executing list, how can I do it?
My exact questions are:
1). How can I do it in Windows Registry ( I have googled about BootExecute/SetupExecute table, but Setup is empty and BootExecute has only: autocheck autochk * ). So I was confused of empty tables ( cause , if it's empty, where are another auto-exec programs in Windows, which ntdll.dll does load ? )
2). Does it matter what is the version of the executable program: for 32/64 bits system?
I have put it in %windir%\system32, but there is also %windir%\WOW64 folder.
Should I highlight this detail in Registry or Windows loads each driver from both folders and just simply highliht them as *32 or 64 bits program in taskmgr?
3). Are there any other ways to do that?
Best Regards!
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