Thursday, April 12, 2012

Using UIScrollview to access 4 different views

This seems like it should be pretty straight forward but im really stuck. I basically want to start the app and it goes to the center view, where the user can swipe up down left or right to access four different views. the picture pretty much sums it up. I will make the text in the picture "swipe up for view 1" "swipe down for ....." buttons also that achieve the same thing as the swiping but I dont want to ask for too much so if anyone can help me out and show me how to program what Im looking for I would much appreciate it.Main Menu views Of app

I was able to get it to be just one massive view but I realized that I want it to jump to every different view, not scroll and be half way there. and when I tried to make cgrect frames it was very confusing to keep it all in order.

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