Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Liquibase Auto Rollback

I'm working on a branch and for instance need to delete a column in table X, I add a change and its good for that specific branch, then I switch to another branch that still requires that column and that change needs to be rolled back. There are a lot of changes to the db such as this from branch to branch.

I add a new changelog xml for every branch and include it in the master changelog xml. Obviously when I switch to another branch the changlog xml for the previous branch is no longer in the workspace and liquibase does not save the actual changeset in the database only its name and when it was applied, thus it won't be able to rollback changes automatically.

I'm using the Liquibase Servlet to apply changes on start up of my application.

Liquibase experts, is there an easy solution to this problem already implemented? Thank you!

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